When it comes to home security, motion sensors are a great tool to set up security that can not only capture movements and let their devices talk they also protect your property. But it is still not enough to say that a motion sensor is useful as well. The real role of motion sensors can be undeniably depicted in its installation. In this article, we will discuss the best spots to install your motion sensor for maximum security.
Where to Install Your Motion Sensor for Maximum Security
One of the most important things in securing your motion sensor is where you are going to put it. Motion sensors are mounted at strategic corners and points in the secured area and can be trusted to scan and pick out moving objects within the designated area. You are guaranteed that the above technique will heighten the security of your area.
1. Entry points:
In view of the fact that the space near the main entrances is the most common area for a motion sensor, this is something you have to pay attention to. The switches of the motion sensors will be armed so that you turned on the sensors when you were involved in the exit of the system. However, these commands were not ready to be launched. Your home’s door and window closures are often guarded with motion sensors. When a motion sensor placed in one of these locations sends a signal to interrupt, you will be immediately notified of a possible break-in attempt. Another detail to consider is the sensor’s height: a sensor installed at the right height (4-6 feet) will work well because it’ll capture the motion on the same line a walking person would.
2. Hallways and corridors:
If you are considering the best spots to install your motion sensors, then hallways and corridors should be the first ones to come in mind. The calculation of the absolute number of spaces is done to cover all the sides perfectly to the end where the surveillance grid meets its edge. Placing sensors in such a way that the final sensor beams are directed to different parts of the house will surely provide perfect surveillance.
3. Staircases:
The stairwell is one of the spaces where motion detectors should be considered to be located. It makes no sense to have the sensor visible, yet behind some shelves or other things obstructing it. A motion sensor placed near the entrance or the end of the stairs will not only signal you when there are intruders on the stairways but also help you distinguish whether this is a real or a false threat.
4. Blind spots:
You need to make sure that there are no blind spots in your house where burglars could hide. Adding motion detectors in these locations to will make the blind spots to be gone. Plus, the movement will now be intercepted and your house will be 100% secure.
5. Outdoor areas:
Furthermore, for the sake of adding security within the confines of your home, adding motion detectors is essential in outdoor spaces such as the backyard or garage. Outdoor motion sensors are the right solution for the victims of theft. These on-campus crimes would have been reduced if motion sensors had been used as a means of security.
Accurately positioning your motion sensors on the house is the idea to get the highest security for your home. Which means circumspectly placed your motion sensors in dominant zones would without hesitation detect any movement and will be a success. Start with the most targeted walls, where the doors and windows are closest and go from there. Also, be aware of possible entry points, hallways, staircases, blind spots, and outdoor areas when you install motion sensors for the highest degree of security.